The Financial Confidence Coach

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How to donate

Whatever you give, whether it is time, money, or simply your knowledge, is a blessing for both parties.

Even a small donation such as a canned good or a few dollars donated can change another person’s life. If you’ve been able to support your own needs and now have the opportunity to help others it means you are on the right path to becoming the financially confident individual you desire to be. Well done.

If you feel you are not in a position to donate financially right now here are some other ways to donate:


1. Donate clothing to a shelter of your choice. Be sure to go in and drop it off yourself. There may be an opportunity where you could provide some extra support, depending on your skills and experiences.

2. I know it’s nice to make a few bucks on sites such as Facebook marketplace but here’s a chance to also be able to donate. Provide things for free, and if needed, deliver them. There are a lot of people trying to make ends meet. Even a piece of art or some dishware could provide a little bit of joy and happiness to someone who may not have the funds to purchase (or pick it up) right now.

3. Spend some time reading to someone. If you are an avid reader or like to entertain this may be a worthwhile way to donate for you. There may be some playschools in need of some extra support to help read to those little kiddos. Or an old age home would appreciate someone coming in and spending some time with those that are feeling a bit lonely. Helping someone live within a fantasy book is a beautiful and meaningful way to donate time.

4. What is something you are passionate about? Scrapbooking, gardening, cycling? Could you donate some time to teach or assist another person or organization in pursuing the topic? You can start a Facebook group where you can facilitate this hobby for a group. In return, your donation of time and expertise may end up finding you some great friends who are interested in the same things as you are!

5. Give some blood. Seriously. It helps.

6. If you are crafty, make something and either give it away with love or sell it for a profit and donate the profits.

7. Help your neighbors. Rake some leaves or shovel the snow. Offer to give up some of your time to help out with weeds. Not only will this improve neighborhood morale but you never know what your neighbor might be going through and the simple donation of time may be a much-needed gift.

8. Become a part of an organization that raises awareness to a cause you are passionate about. Offer to volunteer for free. Another set of brains or skilled hands is always welcome in a group that is trying to make a meaningful change.

Any more ideas? Please leave a comment below! 

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