What does living within your means mean?

 When I asked my teenage daughter if she knew what the saying “living within your means” meant, she had no clue! What? Actually? I truly thought she would have heard this saying in school or on TikTok by now.


When I explained it’s simply not spending more than you make – she groaned and didn’t want to listen anymore. Again, WHAT? It made me wonder why this is something that people don’t want to hear. Is there some sort of club that loves the stress of going in debt and struggling? I don’t get it. And yet, people are embarrassed to admit that they do in fact live beyond their means.


I think it’s important to bring attention to this saying as much as possible. It should be scattered on billboards throughout the world. It should be a mantra that children open up the school day with. It should be a vow exchanged at a wedding ceremony.


Okay, I’m being dramatic. I know.


But the importance of this saying and actually understanding and recognizing what this saying means is critical to becoming the financially confident person you want to be. Living within your means will only strengthen your abilities to succeed financially.


I understand the other side of it, as well. You want things, you need things, you have to have it! I get it. Here’s the honest truth… you need to welcome more money into your life. This is completely possible and if you don’t know how refer to my post on money mindset and start to work on that.


Yes, you deserve to live the life you want, but the golden rule of living within your means and not spending more than you make will save you a whole lot of anxiety, pressure, stress and regret. Want more than you already have? Create some SMART goals to help you make them happen. Don’t rely on the LOC or a credit card for fun things. Ask yourself if it’s time to ask for a raise. Or set up a side hustle. You can do it, you can live the way you want just by making a plan, saving, and most importantly believing in yourself and your abilities to make things happen.  

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