Your positive money statement

Call it your money mantra, your money affirmation or your personal money statement... whatever you’d like, the point is you have to have one.


Your money affirmation is your declaration on what you believe to be true about your money beliefs. Many people go about in life not knowing this is a thing – I’m here to tell you – it’s a thing! This positive money affirmation exercise will help you if you’re going through tough times or even if things are going well and you want to keep the momentum going.


Pick something incredible. How do you know if it’s the right mantra for you? This is the fun part... it’s called intuitive listening. Say a phrase and wait (even close your eyes) and see how your body feels. Do you feel lighter? Do you crack a smile? Do your eyes widen? When you get THIS feeling, you have found your phrase. It’s personal and only for you – not your family, not your kids, just you! I would recommend writing this positive money statement down and putting it in a visible place (like your vision board) to be looked at every day. Or if it’s too personal you may decide to keep it to yourself.


Repeat this personal money statement to yourself daily and watch for the day it becomes a reality.


 Some examples of positive statements may be:


·      I am worthy and deserving to have the life of my dreams.

·      I can do this if I want to.

·      I am worth it.

·      I create what I want.

·      I am capable of anything I set my mind to.

·      Go get it.

·      Make it happen.

·      I choose what I want to think.

·      My life is full of possibilities.

·      What I do to grow myself today will help me flourish tomorrow.

·      I already hold the power I need. I make decisions that support my values and self-worth.

·      I am at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.

·      I give myself permission to go after what I want.

·      This is my time.

·      Only I can determine my worth.

·      My actions attract positive feedback.


Feel free to share your positive statement below. It may inspire others!



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