3 ways to change negative money talk

It’s time to stop the negative chitter chatter around money and move into a growth mindset. But how?


Here’s the thing, what you say about the money in your life is what you get! If you find yourself not being in such a great financial situation, it might be time to start analyzing what you say out loud about money.


So, your money talk is negative and you’re wondering what you need to do to change it? It’s hard to admit to being negative, but by acknowledging that you have been doing this, you can now take a step and figure out why. Why do you say the things you say about money? Does it stem from your money story? Maybe there is hesitation due to a traumatic financial experience or maybe it’s what you hear your friends saying? Has it been serving you in a positive way or has it allowed you to have the life you want?


Figure out WHY you are saying this, then LET IT GO. Forgive yourself and decide right here and now that it’s time to change.


Once you understand why you’ve been telling yourself this, decide what it is you would prefer to say to yourself and then go one step deeper. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve. If you’d like to be rich, why? Is there something that you really want or something that you hope to do? Try to be specific, it will be easier to believe this positive statement if you know what you want to say to yourself.


When I started my business and started learning different things, I just kept on repeating “I can do this”. I had sticky notes EVERYWHERE with this saying written on it. It was on my mirrors, in my phone and in my walk-in closet. When things were hard, I would just repeat this to myself and did what I needed to do to learn and grow. With this mindset, I was able to do all of it.

 You can, too!


Whatever you say to yourself has the possibility of success if you truly believe in yourself.


Finally, tell someone your new thoughts. This will not only hold you accountable, but it will give you that extra push you may need to stay in the zone. When you catch yourself about to say something negative to whoever is around you in that moment, say the positive thought instead. This takes conscious effort, but you can train yourself to do it. Having this mindset can be inspirational to others and may allow you to attract people with a similar growth mindset which will only benefit you and your goals.


You can do this. 


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