3 things you can do to stay accountable

Okay, you want change and you’ve made some goals... how are you going to complete them?

It’s easy to give up, especially when something unexpected comes up or you’re just not feeling the same kind of energy to keep at it. What do you do?


1.    Tell someone what you hope to achieve. Get comfortable speaking with a family member or a friend about your financial situation. Or find a mentor, join a group, speak to an advisor or tell your pet! The point is to get what you intend on doing (and hope to achieve) out there. It’s nice having someone to share your progress with or discuss the challenges you are experiencing. You’re able to share ideas and have someone help you celebrate wins which makes everything more enjoyable! Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask someone if they could be your accountability partner. It may encourage others to do the same, which leads to more people achieving their dreams. Start the trend and get to goal making.


2.    Come up with an inspirational personal positive statement. This statement will not only help you with maintaining a positive money mindset, but will also become something you will condition yourself to say daily in order to help you achieve your goal. It can be as simple or as complex as you need, it just needs to help you focus on achieving what you set out to do. Place this statement somewhere you can see it daily. Maybe it’s on your phone, by your bedside, in your car or on your vision board. This statement should motivate you and encourage you into achieving your goals.


3.    Make it automatic. Set up a system where it will be hard to fail and don’t back out! If it’s paying off debt or contributing to a fund, set up an automatic transfer. Decide the amount and then it’s done! You won’t have to worry about it any longer. Other little things, such as spending less on Starbucks coffee, can be done automatically with visual cues. For instance, you can brew your coffee in the morning and have it ready to go before you leave. Sometimes setting things on autopilot will help you get it done!


Coaching questions:

1.    What will prevent you from staying accountable? How will you avoid that?

2.    What would happen if you accomplished what you set out to do?


Well done, my friend. Be proud of your dreams. Now go out and make them happen!



Listen to the Podcast

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Making automatic payments and why it works


How to have a money date with yourself