Money myths and how to get over them

 There are many myths and sayings surrounding money and financial success. And these statements will affect your relationship with money.

A myth is a false belief that comes out of what we have been conditioned to hear over and over again. It is either related to our money story or culture or it could even be generational.

Myths like:

“You need to be wealthy to invest”

“I’m not good with money”

“I just can’t get ahead”

“Debt is bad”

“My family is terrible with money, so I will be terrible with money”

“I’m too young/old to start investing”

“Buying a house is better than renting”

These statements can actually affect the way you view your finances and to be honest, no longer apply to this unpredictable evolving world we live in today. Money could grow on trees for those who know how to plant the seeds.Our reach and potential to make money has changed so much now, with social media. We can reach other parts of the world in a matter of seconds. We are living in a completely different time from even our parents' generation. It’s an exciting time but only if you have the ability to dispel these antiquated myths.

So how do we get rid of these old myths?  

  1. Next time you hear someone say something that feels like an old belief, take a moment to pause and check in. Ask yourself the question: Is this true?

    If it feels right - OK, and if it’s what you want to believe - so be it.

    If not…

  2. Do some research. Jump online and punch in the belief you feel like challenging and see what comes up! An alternative perspective of a myth may help you decide what you really want to believe. Be careful not to preach. You are doing these for your own benefit and remember the famous phrase: You can’t always change others but you can change yourself.

    Choose to believe something with positive intentions and an open mind.

  3. Practice. Next time you catch yourself saying something that doesn’t feel right for you - immediately flip the switch and announce your revised belief. (more on this here)

  4. Choose a money mantra and repeat it daily to yourself to build financial confidence.


Only you get to decide how you want to move forward with your money life. Be positive, be hopeful, and always do your research before trusting a potential money myth.


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