How to make a vision board

 What is the point of a vision board and why should you have one?


I like to think of vision boards as a place to hold dreams and goals. Visual cues are one of the biggest motivational tools in life.


When you look at something every day, even multiple times a day you can’t avoid the drive to work toward your goal. Believe it or not, there is actually a science behind vision boarding. While we may think it’s just a board with pictures and words, it’s actually a subconscious responder. This means our brains will pick up signals that will direct us to what we have been visualizing and seeing on our vision boards. Subconsciously, we will pay more attention to this, and it will help us to achieve our goals.


If it sounds like a lot of effort and you don’t even know where to start, keep reading... I have some great tips and ideas for you.



It’s your board so you can do whatever you want! If you want to stay incredibly focused on one specific thing, you can. Go ahead and make an entire board of it if you’d like. For instance, if you’re all about health right now, you would have pictures of healthy food, exercises, your ideal body and whatever else on your board which will keep you motivated.


Or perhaps you’d like to place multiple dreams and goals on there.


Ask yourself what you would like...

1.    For your relationships? What does the perfect friendship feel like? What does having a partner in life symbolize for you? How do you want your family dynamics to be?

2.    For your career? Where do you see yourself in your career? Define what you do.

3.    For fun? What is something that brings you great joy? How do you want to spend your free time?


Next, decide whether going through magazines for inspiration is your thing or you’d rather print things off the internet – Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration! Find a pin/cork/magnet/flat board and start placing your images on it. Enjoy this and feel free to add more as you find them. It can be a process and might take a couple of days, all depends on how determined you are to get this done. Here’s my Pinterest page for inspiration!


Another option is to create a collage on an online platform such as Canva or Photocollage and use it as your computer’s wallpaper. If you are someone who is always on your computer, this is a great place for you to place your vision board. Or perhaps you would like to put in as the screen saver on your phone. The point is you need to see your goals and dreams every day.



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