How to negotiate your bills

 Enough is enough. Too much money is flowing out and you need to start making some changes. Negotiating your bills may be the solution you are looking for.

The first step is to actually see how much you are paying for everything! If you haven’t set up your budget yet or know exactly what your monthly payments are, this is your time to do it.

After having everything laid out in front of you analyze if you feel you should be paying the amount you are. Do you see anything that seems a bit off or too high? 


1. Do some research. Find out what competitors are offering and if it’s a better deal or you end up receiving extra perks present this to your current company.

2. Be clear about what you want. Do you just want to have a 20 percent discount because it will make you feel better? Or do you need to save some hardcore cash at this time in your life and you need this bill to be cut in half tomorrow? Explain your situation and give the company a chance to give you an offer. You would be surprised at what you could receive if you just asked.

3. Make sure you are speaking to the right person. Don’t waste anyone’s time and explain you need to speak to someone who has the authority to make some big changes for you.

4. You don’t need to disclose your whole personal life to the person on the other end. Let them know what you want and give them the opportunity to make you happy. You are the customer after all.

5. Ask for more than you want. Just in case you can get it. People find this difficult. However, you just never know what someone may be able to offer - even if it is for a limited amount of time. Imagine the savings and also you can imagine the joy the other person on the other end will feel seeing you so happy and satisfied with the conversation. Think about it this way.

6. Have a backup plan. If you can’t get the discount, what else can they throw in?

7. Always be friendly. No need to get mean about anything here. The person on the other end is just doing their job. Again, make sure you are speaking to the right person but kindness and gratitude goes a long way, even with the cable company.


What is holding you back from lowering your bills? TIME. And yes, it does take a bit of time, but just imagine the money you will save! What you could do with that additional money every month?

My advice is to pick a half day or a full day to do a lot of negotiation. Book it in your calendar, make some coffee and get the laundry started. Make sure you are in a positive mood and free of distractions before you begin. While you wait for the representatives, multitask mundane tasks (such as cleaning). See how you feel at the end of it all and please leave any suggestions or great wins in the comments below!


Go negotiate! Can’t wait to hear how much you saved.


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