Why do you want to retire?

What is it that you really want to do in retirement? You can’t play golf all day, every day for 10 years or spend months traveling to different countries unless you plan for it.  

Ask individuals who love what they do and you will most likely hear them say they don’t plan on ever retiring – just giving up the hustle.

Isn’t that the dream?

We want to have more time to do the things we love. We don’t want to be worried that we won’t be able to maintain our lifestyle or not be able to help and give to others.

I like to call retirement the time you get to do whatever you like. But do you know exactly what that is?

It’s imperative to get really specific about this. Your retirement vision will help you recognize the risks you might need to take and what investment strategies may work best at this stage in your life.

My ideal day visualization exercise will help you pick apart exactly how you want things to be on a typical day in retirement. Think through it and instead of visualizing your ideal day today, visualize what it would be like in your retirement years.

This may give you insight into what you believe you need to be working toward right now.

And this knowledge will bring you closer to putting a plan together and working toward your dreams. 

To help you dig further into your retirement vision, ask yourself these coaching questions: (Grab a notebook!!!)              

  1. What does "retirement" mean to you?

  2. What do you want to do when you retire?

  3. Where do you want to live?

  4. How do you want to live?

  5. What is your daily routine?

  6. What would you like to be least concerned about?

  7. What do you think will be your biggest priority in retirement?

  8. Who will be there with you when you retire?

  9. What do you expect your health to be like?

  10. What is a passion you would like to pursue?

  11. When you are ninety years old, what will you regret not doing when you were younger?

  12. How are you saving for retirement now?

  13. Who can help you achieve your retirement goals?

YES, it’s A LOT to think about!

Once you have a vision in mind, write it down. This is a fun exercise to do leading up to your retirement years. Grab a notebook, write down the date and your idea. If plans change, rewrite your ideas.

Imagine looking back and seeing if what you envisioned for yourself came true.

I’ve been doing this since I was in my early twenties. It's amazing to look back and recognize that I had clear intentions about how I wanted my life to be right now in my 40s. Honestly, it's mind-blowing how everything I've done has led to how I am living now.

You owe it to yourself to think about your future.

Don’t be afraid to dream big and dream for yourself, not only for your family, for your community but for yourself. What do you want?



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