How to have a healthy money mindset

There is no doubt that the way you think plays a major role in your ability to reach your financial goals and achieve the financial life you dream of.

It is possible that your money mindset is something you need to tap into first in order to improve things for yourself financially.

The first step to establishing a healthy mindset is to know your money story. What were you taught to believe about money?

Once you recognize if this is empowering or holding you back you can then decide what your new money story will be. How do you want to think about the money in your life?

How you think about money will determine how you behave around money.

If the phrase “I can’t afford it” or “I will never get ahead” are one of the few things you hear yourself saying, read on to find out what to do next.


1. Let go of unwanted negative limiting beliefs around money. Yes, it's easier said than done. The way to do this is to think of a time when you had to get over something that bothered you.

  • What did you do to get over it?

  • Did you have a conversation with someone?

  • Journal?

  • Read some books?

  • What influences the way you think and behave?

    Go to that source and sort this out. Now, determine your revised beliefs around money and WRITE IT OUT.

2. Practice saying your positive mantra (thoughts) out loud. It’s OK if you sound funny to others sometimes. The act of putting it out in the open shows it to be an authentic and true belief.

3. Walk the talk. Set an example that shows you believe in what you're saying. Saying to yourself that you are able to travel more is one step. Next is following through with actions. Create financially SMART financial goals to give yourself confidence in how to achieve them.

4. Practice, practice, practice. Decide what your technique is for overcoming negative thoughts or feelings and practice it.

5. Be grateful. Gratitude helps shift anything from a negative to a positive.

6. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. We follow each others' actions and beliefs more than we would like to believe. Ensure you are surrounded by people that inspire and push you to have a growth mindset around money.


Affirmations for a healthy money mindset.

                        I am wealthy.

                        I am deserving of wealth and the opportunities money provides me.

                        I am a disciplined saver.

                        I am capable of managing money.

                        I am knowledgeable about my money and investments.

                        I create the life I want every day.

                        I am attracting money to me.

                        I am financially confident.

Only you can decide how you want to think. Chose to be positive and believe in your mantra. 🧡


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