The Financial Confidence Coach

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Who you hang out with matters

This is more significant than you want to think and can be a sobering realization for some, especially if you have had the same friends for a looooong time.

I’m not going to tell you to ditch anyone here. Instead, what I am going to say is pay attention to what the people around you say and think about money.

Who you hang out with are your “Joneses” Yes, they are. Even if you never intended to be a “keep up with” person - it’s just human nature. We have been mimicking each other since the beginning of time. We care about what our peers are doing, how they think and we sometimes end up either playing too small or potentially too big because of this.

You are reading this to become financially confident. And let’s be honest, it’s difficult to do that all on your own. You are going to have to get out there and find some people who are feeling and thinking like you and looking to be inspired and enter into conversations with a growth mindset.

Or, challenge yourself to find others who are succeeding in the money game and ask questions with honest interest. If that makes you uncomfortable, ask someone if they would be your mentor? This means being able to speak with them freely and get some helpful financial advice.

If you are interested in investing, perhaps joining a similar investing interest group would work or finding an online course would automatically place you with like-minded individuals.

Ever notice you gravitate towards people who like the same music as you? Sport? Style sense? You can choose to be around individuals who also want to have a positive outlook on their financial lives. Look for people who believe they can do great things with their money. This vibe will naturally rub off on you!

If you are surrounding yourself with someone who constantly expresses negative beliefs it’s very likely you may start to consider the same. Pay attention and decide if this is what you really want. If this person is someone you can’t live without- that's fine - being around them will allow you to practice your positive money mantras and your money mindset beliefs. Remember to choose what is going to serve you best.

Where can you find like-minded people?

Okay, you don’t want to ditch your friends, but you want to make some positive changes. In today's world, it is so easy to connect with one another. Simply get online and start searching.

Not your thing, that’s ok, if you are more into person to person connection it’s still possible, it just takes time.

Think of the individuals you would like to welcome into your life. Truly believe you will find them. Be open to any opportunity to meet more people within your community. Even if it means stepping into a situation that you feel may be boring, meaningless or “not your thing”. You just never know what will happen.

Enter every experience with an open heart, no strings attached, and allow things to naturally unfold whilst keeping your search for growth in the back of your mind.

If this still isn’t working for you and you can’t seem to find an inspirational group to be able to bounce ideas off of, it may be time to create your own! Maybe you want to start investing. Consider the people you really like. Ask if they would be interested in meeting twice a month to discuss some investment strategies or putting together a savings accountability group.

If there is anything you feel you want to work on you can be sure there will be people around you that may want to be working on the same things. Ask, invite and get creative about how to stay accountable. You see this working in dieting groups, workout groups, mommy groups etc.

Be certain the people around you are not holding you back but moving you forward and helping you live out your best life.


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